Signs Your Tree is Dying or Damaged

A dead or dying tree is a danger to your home and family’s safety. A storm is more likely to knock over a damaged tree than a healthy one. If you suspect a tree on your property is dying or damaged, it can be smart to inspect the tree and determine if it requires further action.

The Cambium Layer is not Green

The cambium layer is the second layer of the tree, just beneath the exterior bark. To check this layer’s color, simply peel off a bit of bark with a knife or fingernail. Under the hard bark on the outside should be a healthy, green layer. If your tree is not green on this layer, it could be dying. Check the same layer on another area of the tree. If there is no green found in the cambium layer, there is a good chance your tree is dead, dying, or significantly damaged.

The Tree Is Leaning

A leaning tree is not necessarily dead. However, when a tree leans significantly, it indicates that something may have damaged the roots. If this is the case for your tree, it is not likely to survive for long. This is true for trees that lean due to damage, weakness, or even strong winds.

You Can See Root Damage

Root damage can be challenging to determine, as most trees have roots that run far beneath the ground. If this is the case for your tree, you may want to think about any work that has been done around the tree recently. If any digging has been done, a root could have been damaged. Additionally, if your tree has roots visible on or near the surface, it is possible that severe weather and the quality of the soil has had an impact on the tree’s health. If this is the case, your tree will likely appear ill – dead branches, fewer leaves, dead or brown leaves, etc.

Bug Infestation and Fungus is Present

Many insects prefer to live in a tree that is already dead or dying. If you notice an influx of carpenter ants, for example, likely, your tree is not in good health. Mushrooms may also spring up around trees that are of poor health.

Bark is Falling Off or Cracking or Dead Wood is Excessive

When a tree dies, bark often loosens and falls off. Bare spots on your tree’s trunk are a good indicator that it is no longer healthy. This is also true if the tree has deep cracks in the bark. A sickly tree will also likely have branches that are dead. Although a few dead branches don’t necessarily mean that your tree is also dead, it does mean that you need to trim the dead parts off so that the living can thrive. Unfortunately, if your tree has an excessive amount of dead wood, it is unlikely that regular pruning will save it.

Green Leaves Do Not Grow

A healthy, living tree should grow green foliage in season. If green leaves are missing from your tree, you may have a good indicator that the tree is sick or dying. Dead or brown leaves may hang on longer than living trees in the fall or winter. Greenery is a primary indicator of tree health.

Contact Us Today

If you suspect that your tree is dying, or needs to be pruned to keep it healthy, our team at Walnut Tree Service is ready to assist! You can contact our team today by calling us at (781) 640-0377 or by filling out our team’s online contact form! We look forward to hearing from you and assisting with your tree removal and pruning needs!

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